I am actually not sure, if this needs to be fixed in the Lemmy source code or in the mastodon source code.
I am actually not sure, if this needs to be fixed in the Lemmy source code or in the mastodon source code.
Especially the way communities work on mastodon annoys me. I would love to follow some communities on mastodon, but I’ve had to unfollow all of them, because the comments take up my entire feed.
And the comments show up without the context of the original post, so I have to click on the comment, to enter the post thread it is a part of, and then scroll all the way to the top to see the post it is related to.
Maybe something about activity pub makes it hard to change, but it would be nice if it could be fixed :)
I don’t think it needs to be shoehorned at all.
I see this just as a small quality of life improvement of how it already works.
I think it would actually represent the way Lemmy works better than the way it works now :)