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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Given the state of this world, there’s better things to do than to add such gimmicks in EV. There’s enough energy and matter wasted in useless widgets to at least spare the new generation of such stupidity. I could get behind a new kind of recycled ICE vehicles, operating on captured-carbon fuel and paid at a premium for those who need to love the rumble of a well-tuned engine, but that should stay a fringe hobby.

    Time’s for a compromise on the length of the fuse is over, we, as a whole, should be focussing on preventing the climate bomb to do too much damages to humans.

    Or maybe we should double down, extract and burn even more fuel, produce and discard even more plastic, without forgetting to have it circle five times the Earth before before it hands in the customers’ hands: it wouldn’t be the first mass extinction and the planet will get through. Us humans, though…