I don’t want Windows 11. It performs like shit. But I guarantee this will lead to sneaky upgrades.
Well there goes my strategy of turning off tpm to prevent a sneaky upgrade.
What’s the current best way to prevent an unwanted Windows 11 upgrade?
America’s Army was a game developed by the US military for recruitment, but was only the military’s direct and open leadership of the project that stood out in this. The more common approach is a less visible partnership where military propagandists and censors approve what’s allowed through, and exercise some narrative control to be consistent with the propaganda they’re pushing.
I mean, don’t the call of duty developers openly collaborate with the military to increase recruitment? Hollywood sure as hell does.
Great movie, btw.
Does that jellyfin compatibility work for Emby?
It’s for OS level DRM. And I would bet some spying too.
Thanks. Some people are Linux super fans. They don’t like to admit there’s a bad use case for it.
I take no pleasure in pointing out the deficiency. Wish I had the expertise to help fix it.