also at beehaw
Nice!! Some of them have downsides I’m not sure I want on my first playthrough, but I’m kinda tempted by the family one - would be cool to see how well their face generated parents match my character, and by the endgame I’ll proooobably have more money than I know what to do with, anyway.
Haha, I’m also very tempted by the jumping trait – mostly cause if it’s anything like No Man Sky’s jump, I’ll be doing it all the time anyway!
Looks basically as expected from the official trailers! Cool to see more backgrounds; I think I’m going to go with Explorer but it’s gonna be hard to choose.
This is it right here, at least for me personally. I’m a huge Dragon Age fan (played through DAO and DA2 before Inquisition’s release) who has always been vaguely interested in Larian’s Divinity Original Sin games but never made them a priority in my backlog. Seeing the cinematic cutscenes and the 3rd-person voice acted dialog for BG3 made me immediately interested and now I’m 10-ish hours deep into Baldur’s Gate and loving it!
Also slowly resigning myself to DA4 not even coming close to matching BG3 in quality given the circumstances of its development.
sick! do you think you’ll ever print these physically? I’d love to pick up a copy if you ever do. :)
sick! do you think you’ll ever print these physically? I’d love to pick up a copy if you ever do. :)
I completed all of the shrines before I beat the game, and found it enjoyable. I also really enjoyed running around the depths collecting all the lightroots. I enjoy exploring caves and wells too, so that’s next on my list to complete. Grinding for armor sets is tedious to me so I’m skipping it…
IIRC, I stuck with longer guns like rifles and machine guns in Fallout 4, and in Cyberpunk I focused on shotguns. I’m thinking I might try pistols to mix it up, stealth sniping, ooor maybe shotguns again and those multi-bullet laser targeted weapons that I can’t remember the name of now.
awe, I hope that’s not the final loading screen. I’ll miss twiddling the 3D models around!
They certainly made it look pretty fun in the direct! Hopefully it gets a good chain of perks through the skill tree, but if not I’m sure there will be perk overhauls and other mods to help flesh it out.
I definitely want something as sleek and “fast” looking as I can make it - I always liked the really long nose fighters in No Man’s Sky, so something similar maybe. Cargo ships will be an opportunity to explore the other side too, with less clean lines and more of a “junky hauler” feel.
I think, if I’m recalling the screenshots correctly, it looks around noon when the compass is half-dark? So nightfall would be once the compass is completely dark.
That’s helpful; this sounds like a docker issue or qBit issue then. The default qBit location for torrents is /downloads, but you’d need to make sure to point it towards the container volume mapping you’re setting up in docker.
my relevant qBittorrent compose volume mapping is as follows:
- /volume1/shared/torrents:/data/torrents
Personally, I don’t separate my torrent downloads by type; I use incoming & completed folders. Here’s how I set up my qBittorrent config:
Original Value | New Value |
Session\DefaultSavePath=/downloads/ | Session\DefaultSavePath=/data/torrents/1_completed/ |
Session\TempPath=/downloads/incomplete/ | Session\TempPath=/data/torrents/2_incoming/ |
Downloads\SavePath=/downloads/ | Downloads\SavePath=/data/torrents/1_completed/ |
Downloads\TempPath=/downloads/incomplete/ | Downloads\TempPath=/data/torrents/2_incoming/ |
This should just be part of configuring Sonarr/Radarr settings correctly. Do you have a red message in the settings that says a download client is missing, or have you filled out the download clients settings section with your torrent client info? If yes, have you checked the “auto import from client” box? and, have you set your root library folder in the media management section?
I’ll bet you can get pretty close! At least for some of the non-Constellations companions. Maybe even for them, too. It’d be funny to do a clone playthrough of Barrett or cowboy dude!
yeah, I usually don’t even attempt to make myself in character creators, for similar reasons!
I’ve been looking for this kind of comment, because this was my first thought on reading the statement. Very PR speak implying that the state of subs like r/interestingasfuck meant that they didn’t want the brand risk that now comes with being on Reddit – not that they cared about or were protesting the API changes.
I do think it’s interesting because it shows that the mod protests on those subreddits - even if brief - triggered a big enough brand risk moment for MSFT/Minecraft to decide dropping Reddit completely (rather than temporarily or similar) was worth it. I don’t think we’ve seen any other brands officially do that yet.
There were rumors based on the Steam specs that the game would be always-online, but they moved “broadband internet connection” from Minimum to Recommended specs – so at least on PC, it’s highly likely not online only.
Gunbrella is made by the folks who did Gato Roboto, which is a short and snappy metroidvania - super stoked to see they’re working on a longer game with similar vibes!
Oh. my. god. This is such amazing news!! Chesko was an amazing modder, and economy design was one of the often-changed areas of Skyrim, so to hear that he had a hand in Starfield’s economy is incredibly exciting to me.