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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • ECS has really nothing to do with this. ECS is just a specific way to store the internal state of a program, fundamentally no different from other data structures.

    Also, a good game is far more than just text and images and current “AI” can’t even generate those individually. A game needs significant thought put into things like game loops, story arcs, balancing,… that are non-obvious when existing games would just be training data. Not to mention that using an existing game as training data is both non-trivial and also we just don’t have the vast amounts of them that current systems seem to need to produce anything even half-way decent.

  • Britain’s first female MP

    I believe you meant PM. The first female MP was Nancy Witcher Langhorne Astor in 1919.

    comapred to a genociding terrorist?

    Unfortunately Britain has been involved in genocidal actions several times each century for a large part of its history, including some during Thatcher’s time, such as support for Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, the massacre of Sikhs in India in Operation Blue Star, lifting arms bans and selling weapons to Pinochet and training his soldiers, supporting Suharto in Indonesia and Zia in Pakistan as well as a certain group led by Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Thatcher was many things, but thinking her being the first female PM was one of her most important roles in history is certainly ignoring a whole lot of her actual actions.

    remember that the Nazis were so many orders of magnitude worse than any other group of people in human history, ever.

    If you truly believe that I have bad news for you. There were quite a few other horrific groups of people doing horrible things to innocent groups of people in human history.