Rhino is a very powerful warframe, and can carry you through most content on the star chart essentially with just Roar and Iron Skin. Unfortunately, using Rhino as a new player tends to end up with using his abilities as a crutch and learning the actual systems of the game too late. I cautiously recommend Rhino.
Vauban is a king of crowd control, but he’s an energy-hungry frame, and as a new player your most reliable source of energy will be the Eximus enemies that ignore your crowd control. I recommend Vauban later on.
Nekros is kind of a one trick pony, but his trick is very good in a game where you farm drops. If your survivability isn’t a factor, I would recommend Nekros now.
All 3 are fantastic frames, but can really begin to shine when you have access to more powerful, specific mods (Corrupted mods from the dragon key vaults on Deimos, Augment mods from the 6 syndicates) and systems later in the game (Helminth for swapping abilities, arcanes for bonus effects). Nekros’s survival issues, Vauban’s energy hunger, and Rhino’s harsh fall-off in very high level content can all be solved with setups that you won’t quite have yet.
Legitimate strategies, regardless of variety of game or level of play. And although it’s generally not my cup of tea, if doing that is how someone has fun in their video game, then so be it.
Spawn camping in old school deathmatches or other games with spawn closets are another story. Believe it or not, straight to jail.