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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Which is exactly why big companies can pressure normal people (and small companies) in not messing with them and basically can get away with anything.

    Oh you gave us bad publicity, we’ll sue you for defamation. Even if the chance of them winning is very slim, the risk of having to pay millions in legal fees is enough for most people to roll over. Sad, really.

    I feel like this should be limited to what the losing party paid in legal fees, basically doubling it. It’s not my fault they hired 200 high-end lawyers vs my single cheap one.

  • Since you basically only run Jellyfin, I would just convert a desktop into a server.

    Choose one with a power efficient CPU. And depending if you need a lot of transcoding an external GPU or even integrated GPU.

    Mine is idling most of the time with only the bare minimum of fan speed. If it wasn’t for the spinning disks it would be completly inaudible.

    To top it off it’s only 30W idle. If you split the utility bill with your housemate I’m sure they’ll appreciate that.