Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: https://wreckedcarzz.com

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023

  • I’m just skimming this thread, but paragraph 2 is basically fact. I’m on my second synology box, the UI is simple and I want reliability, I don’t want shit to break because of a git push on some bullshit tool. But recently I snatched a Lenovo server and threw proxmox and Debian on it, and also got a vps.

    The synology is actually pretty capable, especially if it can do docker, and if you are willing to venture into (as a beginner) copy/pasting commands from the internet into the task scheduler as a half-assed way to get at the terminal, it can do literally everything that I want. But I’m a geek, why should I keep a stable, reliable system as my only machine? :p

    My synology does files, some docker stuff. Lenovo does a couple docker stuff, BOINC since it’s just idling most of the time, and docker for game and related hosting on my vps. Hell, this entire thing could be ‘just add a network folder, and install docker and dockge/portainer’.

    Though (paragraph 3) I tried and didn’t like TrueNAS. Maybe it’s because the synology does it already, I was just exploring, but it has that ‘foss feel’ where you have no idea what you are doing, even when you know what all the pieces do, and it just kinda is like ‘here you go, figure it out’ and leaves. I remember the UI being equally… ‘designed by a programmer’ let’s say. It might be powerful but oof, slick it ain’t.

  • My steam wishlist (I actually use ITAD but) is actually kinda that. Stuff I want but I can wait on, for one reason or another. Unless I’m quite excited about a game (Cities Skylines 2) or have multiple people planning on getting it for multi-player (Forza), it goes on the list and it doesn’t notify me unless 1) it’s 50% or more off, and 2) it’s the lowest price ever offered.

    Lets me have stuff that might pop up randomly during a sale and ‘woo’, but also restrains myself from buying everything I’m curious about. Still have the latest hardware itch, though :p

  • I bought FH5 platinum or whatever, which included ‘early access’, though that wasn’t a factor in my decision. This was so broken I referred to it as ‘alpha, maybe’. It took two months to fix traffic and random error messages with no details (“ALERT” [OK]). It was about 6 months before it was decent, and patches in the last year have caused weird new (seemingly unrelated) regression bugs.

    Me and a tight crew who play almost daily, and I myself have 3.3k hours of game time (others have similar times) are worried about 6 being worse in every way. Throw in ‘car packs’ for $5 each when it was assumed that the platinum version got you fucking everything, or the fact that our favorite game mode is now (for the last ~16 months) riddled with bugs, or that 4 has massive issues when playing online for the past few years that they aren’t going to fix (lobby issues), or that 3 on the pc has online that is completely broken, known, never to be fixed.

    I am considering picking up a copy of 6 on launch from yarr land and seeing if it is a massive pile of shit before I plonk down any cash. And with the… let’s say “disappointment” that these three games have been, if I do purchase another I am planning on getting the base game, not the money-grabbing bullshit edition (includes cars released weekly for 1y, and 2 expansion locations that are mediocre at best). You fucking played yourself, MS. Great job.

    Similarly, Need for Speed whatever the latest is called, offered early access and bla bla. I wanted to trial it, as NFS has been a dumpster fire post-2012. Fuckers want me to pay money for a trial - are you fucking shitting me? Grabbed a copy from the seas, couldn’t get it going, said fuck it and just told anyone who asked me (as I’m a big NFS fan, so I have a bunch of people who ask my opinion on every release) to keep their $70. The cost has been as low as $5.99, but that’s still not low enough. Fuck EA.

    Fuck the publishers, fuck the devs for not pushing back when they need more time, fuck abandoning games the second it’s successor is revealed, fuck game-breaking bugs getting green-lit into release patches because the devs are overworked. Just fuck the entire industry. For me, there are only an actual handful of good games that have come out in the last decade+ and not been the equivalent of consuming feces for $50+. I want my 90s and 00s gaming environment back, not this ball-squeezing blood-sucking hell we have now.


  • “if only we had a way to like, take a desktop pc and make it, like, not tethered to a power outlet. and made the mouse and keyboard a part of the case. and added a screen and speakers too. too bad we have no idea how to do that.” -Microsoft, as they shove the 10,000 laptops off of the desk. “guess we will have to do it ourselves.”

    (yeah yeah a laptop “isn’t a handheld” but you get the stupidity all the same, surely. MS abandoned their platform just to make a different, more constrained platform, and charge people for multi-player. and they want to act like they couldn’t do that 25 years ago for free. fuck off MS.)

  • I got this email a few days ago. It’s definitely CP2077. Their example even shows like 5 titles in a sample account and that game is far and away using the most space. As to why, I have no idea.

    Also to answer the “how do you know”, it’s the only GOG game I play that has a decent amount of playtime. Everything else is in the single digits. I assume lots of others are in a similar situation.

    E: and the pedestrian, but I finished that in one sitting, and it’s in double digits because I let others try it out. I think there are a whopping 2 saves for that game for me.

  • I just moved my home assistant docker container to a new-to-me Xeon system. It also runs a couple basically idle tasks/containers, so I threw BOINC at it to put it to good use. All wrapped up with Debian 12 on proxmox…

    (I needed USB support for zigbee in ha, and synology yanked driver support from dsm with the latest major version, so ‘let’s just use the new machine’…)

  • Ah - I actually moved away from Memos (I just wasn’t using it and it was taking resources for no benefit) so I can’t actually directly help, buuuuuut I want to be optimistic and assume that the ‘feature’ was removed given the page 404ing.

    You could use something like NextDNS (or any other DNS solutions that offer logging, I just use ND on my network), set up as the server’s DNS provider, and see if the domain (above) shows up in the logs after a couple days. Though if you’re running other software alongside it, then it might not be from Memos, which can lead you down a ‘disable, wait, check, repeat’ rabbit hole. But that’s how I would do it, myself.

    Sorry I don’t have a quick and easy solution for you :(

  • I got what I wanted (a proper cmr drive of the same capacity and speed) and I wasn’t terribly interested in like $8 that would show up a year later. I just wanted to have my data safe on the correct hardware, and for cs to recognize and remedy the issue.

    Now if the array had failed and I’d lost data (which from what I’ve read, I was very lucky to not have that happen), absolutely. But I was just angry from being bait-and-switched, and I’m ‘old school’ where loyalty still means something. That’s the only time I’ve had issues with wd; I’ve had drives fail, and there has been no argument, no question, and it’s pretty rare/special circumstances (1kW psu went kaboom, for example). I value cs that just helps the customer, not grilling them for every detail to weasel out of a claim. So yeah they burned some goodwill, but I still have dropped ~2k on drives since then.

  • I remember this - I had just bought my second drive for my nas (raid1, original drive cmr), and it was performing like shit. The next day, news broke about this bullshit and a couple days later, the suit was started. I was fucking pissed, the drives were still having trouble, with terabytes of irreplaceable data at risk while the two drives struggled to mirror. I got in contact with wd and after some back and forth bullshit, I straight-up threatened to join the class and blacklist wd for all my personal, family/friends, and client’s builds, if they didn’t rma the drive immediately and send me a cmr replacement. I’ve been 100% wd for over 20 years, and I have decent reach as to what I recommend and buy for people.

    They sent me a cmr drive via express shipping. I continue to buy wd drives (two more disks in that machine, an external backup, an internal desktop pcie raid0 nvme+card, an internal backup drive for my desktop, a backup ssd for one of my laptops…), but with much more scrutiny. I did not join the class, but it’s still a black mark in my book. I’ve been thinking about giving Toshiba a whirl, their drive reviews look good. Maybe next upgrade…