I had some performance problems. Suddenly, steam deck lost about 60% of its performance in games. My troubleshooting didn’t help. After that, I contacted steam support. We were talking for about a week, but nothing helped, so they agreed to send me a replacement.

I have to say… The fresh vent smells even better than I remember.

  • Dandroid@dandroid.app
    1 year ago

    I used to work for a company that made an ultra low budget android tablet. We had dead pixels on like 10% of them. Our LCD provider would tell us the same thing. Unless there are at least 3 dead pixels, they aren’t taking them back. We changed our LCD provider ASAP, but we sold probably 1-2K of those POSes. That’s probably 100-200 $50 tablets with dead pixels.

    But at least our tablets were $50 pieces of trash, not $2000+ MacBooks.