Okay but like whats the game about? What do you do?
But like, how do I know if it’s even the type of game I will li-
Bee all that you can beehaw.
Okay but like whats the game about? What do you do?
But like, how do I know if it’s even the type of game I will li-
Exactly right they’re normalizing ads in everything. They’re indoctrinating the youth, who don’t know any better or differently, into just accepting/expecting that all content in all forms comes with ads, and you can’t watch any of it without signing in so they can track you and sell your data.
I rarely use YouTube, but my nephew (he’s two) was over the other day and we put on some cartoons for him that were in YouTube since my wife and I don’t have Disney plus. I couldn’t BELIEVE how many ads it showed. One five-minute merry melodies cartoon had FOUR SEPARATE ad breaks, the third and fourth of which were both 3+ minutes long if you weren’t paying attention to skip.
Wtf?! Not even shit ass normal broadcast television has that many commercials.
The water effects in Far Cry 1 were absolutely mind blowing at the time. It was one of the first things in a video game that I could feel the tangible stress it placed on the GPU. I could be looking away from it then as soon as it came into my field of view my GPU fan would sound like it was trying to fly off the motherboard.
Not in the slightest! FF games have never resonated with me, BUT I sure hope everyone who is excited has a great time with it. :)
Deck crew unite! Also, if you find something that looks interesting but says it’s unsupported, do a search for it anyway. A LOT of games run perfectly fine despite being “unsupported”, and there’s often recommended settings and proton versions available online!
HELL YES. I’ve found so many hidden gems (and some stinkers, but that’s okay) through next fest, can’t wait!
Someone else recommended Darkest Dungeon. Any time I see it I also recommend Iratus: Lord of the Dead. It’s a similar game but has a much more forgiving learning curve, less grind, and IMO is much more customizable. Both are excellent though. Iratus uses a nav map much more akin to slay the spire, so no “walking”, just click and it goes, and you can route plan ahead. DD is similar but you do walk through parts of the dungeons from room to room.
Also check out Symphony of War, which is an old school style strategy RPG. Maybe not quite what you’re looking for but I’d argue more similar in style than not, and the “walking” I think of from your post is 100% absent from this game.
but it seems like you have to rely on an external 3rd party tool like to find any of them
That’s a tool that exists and can be very helpful, but you can also browse all communities federated with your instance by just going to “Communities” and selecting “all”. You can search for anything that way. It’s not perfect and in desperate need of some filtering/sorting tools (coming in the future I believe), but you definitely don’t have to use a third party tool! Also works on Jerboa, not sure about the iOS app.
Seriously, how many times have you heard Redditors complain that a community has gotten too toxic, or too meme-filled, or too obnoxious, or too (insert whatever adjective).
Guess what - on Lemmy, you and all the people that think that can start a new one, and you can moderate that stuff out. And the people that enjoy the existing community and its vibe can remain. And you can all like the same stuff while treating it differently. I’m all for the migration, but man I am getting burnt out on all the fresh rexxitors posting about how they don’t get or want to change lemmy after they’ve been here for like three days.
First time - the one around the corner. Subsequent times, either the one on the right roof, or the one on the tower. In 10ish playthroughs I’ve never made it through deathless first try. One time I thought I had it…then I walked off the roof. The feels were very bad that day.
This may/may not be helpful, and seem obvious, but try to think objectively about your situation, and ask yourself “which one will I play more?” I know that seems dumb, but it’s helpful! For me personally my PS5 is in the living room, and my wife likes it when I play out there so she can still talk with me/sit with me…unless I’m playing multiplayer. Then she likes it better when I’m in the other room so she’s not listening to one side of a conversation or get startled when I yell or laugh etc. Also, did you play the others mouse/keyboard? Is that transition going to be too difficult? I’m personally at an age where I hate playing mouse/keyboard because I use both all day for work.
If you have Steam Deck, maybe PC is the way to go simply for convenience and portability - but will you actually play it on your steam deck? It requires always online I believe, so you can only play where you have a connection and for me personally, that’s not typically when I use my deck. But that’s where everyone’s situation is different.
Hell yes. Can’t wait to get wrecked by the rooftop Gargoyle giants for the 900th time!
Hi welcome. Have fun with it! It’s new, it’s exciting. It’s less developed but that just leaves tons of room for growth and polish! Reddit was over saturated and stagnant. Embrace the relatively empty pond!
Great article and summary but man, whatever happened to editorial review? There are three or four major grammatical errors in that short piece. It’s unfortunate because it’s extremely well written otherwise, and does a great job of reporting objectively which is very rare these days.
Twitter’s response to a request for comment regarding its Boulder offices was an automatic email with a poop emoji. Twitter CEO Elon Musk tweeted in May that this is the new auto-response for press inquiries.
I can’t believe this is real, what an absolute clown show.
Same man. I realized at some point that I wasn’t having fun playing pvp. I was stressed and when I’d stop playing I’d be in a bad mood even if I had been winning/playing well. I rarely play multiplayer games at all now, single player is my lane and I’m happy to stay in it. I’ll venture out for some coop sometimes but mostly I’m good flying solo.
I agree completely. Also, I mentioned elsewhere that I feel more likely to actually contribute to this smaller community. I’ve already made more posts (2…3 maybe?) in a week here than I did in the last 2 years on Reddit. When you don’t feel like you’re shouting to 3 million people who aren’t listening, it’s more fun! It’s hard to really talk to anyone when you don’t know anyone at the party right? Is that enough analogies? I feel like that’s probably enough…
You’re not wrong at all on that, however, the quarantining and banning of hate communities happened before the removal of any and all NSFW subs from /r/all. The hate groups were largely getting restricted well before that. I realize they’re two sides of a similar coin - but there were different motives behind the shifts. Recall also, that most of those groups getting quarantined and banned were not NSFW communities.
Nobody was using boobs or twerk videos for hate speech. A 4K/60FPS version of that gif of Alexandra Daddario wasn’t being used to advocate violence against political figures. That later shift was done purely for user control of content. Reddit (probably) isn’t getting click shares off of imgur reposts of daddarios boobs. If they’re not standing to gain, they lose every time someone leaves the front page and goes to a sub page to explore more. They also get fewer eyes on their paid content if people are turned off from using /r/all because they don’t want to see said boobs. That particular move was a dollars and cents content control move only.
I gave it the honest try myself and just didn’t have fun. I went to a couple different planets, died in some weird gravity reversing situation a couple times, died to the loop a few times, etc. It was neat but wasn’t for me. I can see how people would get really into it though.