I would not mind if these two games worked like Guild Wars 1 campaigns: you can play them separately as standalone games, but if you install both, they act as one game and you can play with the characters from one game in the maps with the other.
Guild Wars mentioned !
Guild Wars 1 is such a great game. Was so much fi back in its heyday. Would love another one like it.
Similar to how certain mods like RSV and the like behave?
Reminds me of Maxis games, like Sim City 2000 and the Streets of Sim City.
To note, at one point in the interview he said it’d be funny to come back at the age of 90 and add an update. He’s not saying SD will be his only focus until then, he’s saying he will go back to it over time, presumably with different projects interspersed throughout.
Gamers are so fucking toxic that they will get enraged and call out a solo developer for saying they’ll probably never fully abandon their beloved first game because that clearly means he won’t work hard enough on making them their new game which they’ve literally never played before.
I’ve never come across an angry Stardew Valley player, tbh.
Everyone fan I’ve seen are all "Sounds good Eric! Take your time! Don’t work too hard! Take care! (: " The author of the article sounds rude about it, though.
Yeah, I suspect it’s the gaming “journalists” mostly in this case trying to stir up shit.
I’m very confused. I’m searching for the angry gamers but don’t even see comments in the article posted. Who is being ranted at? Is there some widespread drama I’m being left out of?
No, it’s the snark of the headline and the general culture of gaming communities towards developers.
There isn’t much overlap between the gaming community and the gaming journalist community.
Ah that makes sense. I just ended up filtering out the tone of the title and just took in info of Stardew Valley support and Haunted Chocolatier.
Lot of writers suck when they try to angle something that is positive with negative undertones.
How bout y’all let him do whatever the fuck he wants and work on what he feels passionate about, it seems to have worked out well for us last time, and even if it doesn’t this time, we’re not entitled to shit from him.
I thinks it’s more, “Hey, this thing I just put in HC would make a great addition to SDV.”