Currently, it is possible to follow both Lemmy users and communities from Mastodon.

When you follow a user, all their posts and comments show up as posts on Mastodon.

When you follow a community. The community boosts all posts and comments made in the community.

I think it would work better, if for users, only posts showed up as posts and comments showed up as replies (meaning unlisted).

For communities, I think it would be better if only posts were boosted and not all the comments.

It is possible to find the comments by clicking on the post on Mastodon, so the comments would still be visible.

As it is now, following something from Lemmy from Mastodon is a noisy experience. I think it would be a lot better if only posts were boosted and shown as posts :)

I hope this is the right community to share this. If not, where can I share this ?

Have a nice day :)

    15 days ago

    This is purely a Mastodon issue. They have been promising groups support for a while now, but it seems very low priority.