If you pick a base character then the prime gets removed as well, the better version cant exist without the base version, however if you remove a prime version then the base character can still exist. My personal pick would be Valkyr due to how [IMO] useless she seems

  • The_Vampire@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Idk about ash and loki (never used them), but Ivara has to use silenced weapons, cannot sprint or bullet jump in her invisibility, so I wouldn’t call it 0 drawback, also it’s a channeled ability, constantly using energy, instead of octavia’s press once and free invis…

    Silencing weapons is easy and only requires a mod slot that is not needed for other things on a lot of weapons. The only thing Ivara needs is movement speed (or rather parkour velocity for rolling), which she can now get from yellow archon shards. Her invisibility lasts so long that it doesn’t manner that it’s a channeled ability, it will never run out as long as you haven’t completely dropped your energy economy into the gutter. It’s a single button press, as opposed to Octavia’s press to enable crouch-spam for invisibility.

    Octavia’s damage scaling could be slow in the regular starchart, but in steel path or sp circuit? 1 or 2 shots and all the enemies in a 30 meter radius are dead… That’s with just 200% strength mind you.

    That’s still slow. Waiting for the enemy to shoot is slow. I’m well aware how quickly it can kill, weapons easily do it faster if you know what you’re doing.

    Also, the button press analogy is kinda wrong

    That was my point. It is wrong, and you were the one talking about button presses first saying all she needs to do is press her abilities to win. That’s true of a lot of frames, and every frame can be summarized as ‘press buttons to win’ if we’re being extremely reductive.

    Also, yes I do agree about the rest of the game being more broken than octavia, ffs have you seen the feralx one-hit an archon? I have…

    Well yeah, but that’s why Octavia isn’t an issue and isn’t something to be removed. At least, not before a dozen other things.