Hey folks, I was hoping to get some advice on a build that can solo Iso Vaults for Necraloid rep. My best primary is a Kuva Bramma that can handle all the regular enemies. I just need to figure out a good combination of secondary and melee that can handle the necramech boss at the end. Based on the stats on the wiki, would a corrosive damage melee weapon be good? Probably coupled with a high status secondary with blast damage? Thanks in advance.

  • Dystopia@dormi.zone
    2 years ago

    Can Defy or Mallet still be used to cheese mechs? Other than that, Invisibility + Heavy Attack Stropha modded for Radiation is probably the easiest way to kill them. Just watch out for Voidrig’s damage reflect when it initially casts its Storm Shroud.

    *It seems that nechramechs are now very resistant to/immune to Mallet. The best way I found to kill one was modding a Heavy Attack Stropha for combo efficiency and using Ash’s Bladestorm Augment to build combo for it. Just make sure to destroy the mech’s arms before attacking the weak point on the back, and any weapon to proc Cold helps a lot with making sure the enemy stops spinning around to face you.

    Ash: Seeking Shuriken is optional, just try to avoid fully stripping the mech or mod for Blast Damage instead if you do plan on fully striping the Mech.

    Stropha: Radiation + Heavy Attack Efficiency


    • Xuerian@dormi.zone
      2 years ago

      Kong with silence and (only) radiation ignis wraith was my go-to for farming them when I was doing it.