So, I just decided to try fighting the tank again after my last post about it. Tried to make use of all the advice I’d gotten to see if it’d be any less frustrating.
Took the Phenmor as my primary, brought Jade for flight, made a new preset on my Corufell as a fallback, and… forgot about Primary Sure-Footed. The Phenmor was OK for breaking the weak points but not great. Maybe the Felarx or Corinth Prime would’ve been better.
I tried jumping more and even riding the tank. It kind of worked but I still didn’t like it. I think subsequent times I’ll just default to cheese weapons like the Corufell. On that note does anyone have suggestions for improving my heavy-attack spam build? I’m only ever going to use it against the tank, already I’m doubting Life Strike’s usefulness here.
Update: Tried the tank on hardmode. It was fun, even though I died and didn’t get the sumdali.
I’m surprised you’re meleeing the tank at all, I usually just take revenant to ignore the damage and my burston to delete the weakpoints
I’m not. The Corufell’s heavy fires a projectile that pierces all the Tanks parts and hits it multiple times per shot. Pops weak points along the wide projectile’s path and does a decent amount of damage per shot, spread between the several hits, even without weak points.
Spamming Heavy Attacks with the Corufell almost brings back the good memories of the OG Opticore from many updates ago.
A maxed rank Corrupt Charge might be better here, with Galvanized Reflex, it’s enough initial combo to hit 8x. Still some diminishing returns going from 7x to 8x, but you aren’t really bothering with combo duration anyways so it’s free damage.
*only true if you’re using a weapon with an initial combo gimmick
I think I didn’t max it because it wasn’t enough to get me to the next multiplier
Looks like it was down to the weapon being tested, I used the Sancti Magistar incarnon and wasn’t aware that it had some initial combo once it’s in the incarnon form which pushes it just over the point needed for 8x combo when using a fully ranked corrupt charge + Galvanized Reflex. With the Corufell, you’re right that all you need is a rank 2 Corrupt charge, and that a rank 3 mod won’t make a difference.